The Farm
The Land...
The Foothills Farmstead is made up of 16 acres in southern Oconee County in South Carolina. This land will hold 12+ buildings that will set the stage for the living-history farm. It will also contain orchards, walking trails, a natural amphitheater and more! Click on the image above to see the detailed site plan.
The Main Farmhouse...
This Folk Victorian Farmhouse was built in the late 1800s just down the road from the farmstead site. It was disassembled and is currently being rebuilt as the main farmhouse of the Foothills Farmstead. It contains 6 rooms with a hallway down the middle. A large, wrap around porch was added c.1915 and remains the defining feature of this house.
Other Buildings...
We are working on several other buildings to be included on the farmstead site. These include a general store, grist mill, a barn and tenant houses. Stay tuned for more information as we get farther along with these projects!
How we move buildings...
When we move buildings, each individual piece is numbered, photographed, removed, denailed, and then stored until it is rebuilt. This is a lengthy process but it ensures historic accuracy while at the same time allows us to replace damaged parts as we rebuild.